Vestibulum ante – ipsum primis in faucibus
Nulla a velit quis ex ornare rhoncus. Donec imperdiet risus justo, vel malesuada erat fermentum at. Morbi at laoreet mauris. Mauris lorem felis, gravida et vehicula congue, tempus vel justo.
Nulla a velit quis ex ornare rhoncus. Donec imperdiet risus justo, vel malesuada erat fermentum at. Morbi at laoreet mauris. Mauris lorem felis, gravida et vehicula congue, tempus vel justo.
Mauris volutpat – fermentum malesuada vestibulum Sed vel sodales quam. Nunc in urna sed libero eleifend tincidunt sit amet id nunc. Vivamus convallis hendrerit diam, vitae dictum odio hendrerit vitae. Nullam nec lacinia tortor, ut fringilla lorem. Vivamus ut enim hendrerit, finibus arcu ac, pellentesque neque. Morbi sagittis faucibus neque vel hendrerit. Pellentesque accumsan dolor…
Donec imperdiet risus justo, vel malesuada erat fermentum at. Morbi at laoreet mauris.
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Mauris volutpat, libero fermentum malesuada vestibulum Sed vel sodales quam. Nunc in urna sed libero eleifend tincidunt sit amet id nunc. Vivamus convallis hendrerit diam, vitae dictum odio hendrerit vitae. Nullam nec lacinia tortor, ut fringilla lorem. Vivamus ut enim hendrerit, finibus arcu ac, pellentesque neque. Morbi sagittis faucibus neque vel hendrerit. Pellentesque accumsan dolor…
Mauris volutpat, libero fermentum malesuada vestibulum Sed vel sodales quam. Nunc in urna sed libero eleifend tincidunt sit amet id nunc. Vivamus convallis hendrerit diam, vitae dictum odio hendrerit vitae. Nullam nec lacinia tortor, ut fringilla lorem. Vivamus ut enim hendrerit, finibus arcu ac, pellentesque neque. Morbi sagittis faucibus neque vel hendrerit. Pellentesque accumsan dolor…
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Ut pretium risus sit amet nisi vulputate porta. Ut hendrerit tempus purus in vulputate. Pellentesque dignissim dui ac dolor convallis, vitae posuere lacus laoreet. In porta tempor velit, vel commodo enim congue sit amet. Ut pretium risus sit amet nisi vulputate porta. Ut hendrerit tempus purus in vulputate. Pellentesque dignissim dui ac dolor convallis, vitae…
Ut pretium risus sit amet nisi vulputate porta. Ut hendrerit tempus purus in vulputate. Pellentesque dignissim dui ac dolor convallis, vitae posuere lacus laoreet. In porta tempor velit, vel commodo enim congue sit amet. Ut pretium risus sit amet nisi vulputate porta. Ut hendrerit tempus purus in vulputate. Pellentesque dignissim dui ac dolor convallis, vitae…
Sed felis felis, dignissim ut congue vel, bibendum ut nisl. Aliquam tempus lorem sed fringilla viverra.
Easy access to high-potential startups and private companies to diversify and enhance your portfolio.
For investors who want to support innovative businesses and be part of their success stories.
*The range of private investment opportunities will be made accessible post signup.
Explore and Identify
Select from a range of expertly curated Pre-IPO deals from across the globe |
Efficient Execution
Enabling easy exposure as Kristal.AI takes care of the paperwork involved with a private investment |
Only the Best
A ready-made collection of unicorn companies who are challenging incumbents and rewriting the rules of their industry |
Success Story
Diversify your portfolio and be part of the success story of a dynamic and rapidly growing unicorn |
Diversify your portfolio with exclusive Private Equity, Pre-IPO deals, VC Funds & other investments like Bitcoin, Gold, Hedge Funds and many more.
Falcon fractionalizes difficult-to-access deals and opportunities.
Instant Access
A wide range of alternative asset classes such as Gold, Bitcoins, Hedge Funds and many more; readily made available |
Risk Management
Enables investments in diversified assets hence spreading the risk |
Easy Tracking
Enables you to get a consolidated view of investments in all assets at one place, hence facilitating easy monitoring and tracking |
Exclusive Deals
Access to exclusive Venture Capitalist, Startup as well as pre-IPO investment opportunities |
Low Investment Tickets
Facilitates fractionalization of investments in deals |
Professionally managed funds with active investment strategies, screened for you by our investment committee to diversify your portfolio.
Enabling clients to access exclusive investment strategies.
Provides Access to Professional Fund Managers |
Low Investment Tickets
Facilitates fractionalization of investments in funds |
A wide spectrum of investment strategies ranging from Arbitrage to Credit to Hedge Funds and many more |
No additional costs are charged by Kristal.AI |
Exceptional Performance
Funds with an impressive track record and potential for high profitability |
Benefits from insights of the expert selection and advisory team |
Easy Management
No time consuming management of portfolios |
Customize products based on your market outlook and specific needs across equities, bonds, commodities and more.
For investors looking to enhance portfolio yield based on market views.
*The range of Tailor Made Products will be made accessible, post login
Enhanced Earnings
Structures with potential to enhance portfolio yield based on market movements |
Product features can be designed to articulate investor views |
A flat and transparent fee structure like nowhere else |
A team of specialized financial analysts and strategies that analyse market opportunities for you, giving you friendly overviews of the product you demand and trending market opportunities |
A wide range of assets that can be converted into cash or can be sold within a short period of time, offering flexibility and the possibility of substantial profits in a short amount of time.
Short-term investing offers flexibility to the investor as they do not need to wait for the security to mature in order to get cash. |
Investors can make substantial profits in a very short amount of time. |
Diversification is a method of controlling or mitigating risk while maximizing returns. |
Derivative financial instruments such as CFDs, options, futures, and swaps (that derive their value from an underlying asset) allow investors to insure against the risk associated with the asset in question. |
Real Time Trading
Real-time forex is a form of invest where an investor bets on the immediate future price movements of a given asset. |
Access to Expertise
Custom performance reporting as well as advisory support |
Can’t find what you are looking for? Create your own exclusive investment strategy with risk management & periodic reporting.
For seasoned investors who prefer to design their own portfolio.
Empowered Investing
Enables clients to create their own custom portfolio based on their unique needs |
Unlimited Choice
Access to all possible exchange traded assets |
Flexible Management
Flexibility in delegating the portfolio management role to us or actively taking up the day to day investment decisions, in your custom Kristal |
Access to Expertise
Custom performance reporting as well as advisory support |